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Is it conformation or is it posture ? However, when present you a Youngster for "Observations", make sure you know what someone want to see. ...and note the footing. Thanks to Svanhildur Hall, Magnus, Team Tobias Müller, Hessische Züchterfortbildung 2017

An die Persönlichen Mitglieder der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung e.V. in Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar und alle Interessierten


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde des Pferdes,

gemeinsam mit dem Pferdesportverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. laden wir Sie herzlich ein zu unserer PM-Regionaltagung zum Thema:

Hufbeschlag – Biomechanik der Gliedmaßen und wie diese auf den Huf/Hufbeschlag zum Boden übertragen wird

mit Jürgen Gotthardt Huf- und Pferdeschmied und Conrad Beck , Pferdewirtschaftsmeister

am 22. Juni 2017

RV Altenkirchen, Auf dem Altdriesch 2, 57610 Altenkirchen

„Es sind die mühelos und leichtgängigen Pferde die unser Herz berühren und das Reiten zur Freude werden lassen.“ (Paul Stecken)

Neuere Forschungen haben gezeigt, dass Springpferde mit den gleichen Eisen beschlagen wie z.B. Freizeitpferde anfälliger für Verletzungen des Bewegungsapparates sind.

Es sind die Bewegungen und die Biomechanik der Gliedmaßen die Kräfte zum Boden durch den Huf/Hufbeschlag übertragen und ebenso beeinflussen.

Wie wirken dies Kräfte auf das beschlagene Sportpferd ? Wodurch erhöht sich die Verletzungsgefahr durch das Fußungsverhalten (Huf-Boden-Interaktion)? Hat die Form des Hufeisens Auswirkung auf die Springleistung?

Diesen und anderen Fragen geht Jürgen Gotthardt, unterstützt durch Pferdewirtschaftsmeister Conrad Beck nach und bietet Einblicke in die funktionale Bewegungsanatomie.



18.00 Uhr        Begrüßung durch Evelyn Koch, PM-Sprecherin Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar

18.05 Uhr      Hufbeschlag – Biomechanik der Gliedmaßen und wie diese auf den          Huf/Hufbeschlag zum Boden übertragen wird

19.00 Uhr        Pause mit Verpflegung

19.30 Uhr      Hufbeschlag – Biomechanik der Gliedmaßen und wie diese auf den          Huf/Hufbeschlag zum Boden übertragen wird  Teil 2


Im Anschluss Diskussion. Ende der Veranstaltung gegen 20.30 Uhr.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Evelyn Koch

(PM-Sprecherin Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar)                                                           



Die Referenten


Jürgen Gotthardt, 56414 Eisen, seit 1992 Huf und Pferdeschmied, graduated in Biomechanik & Bewegungsanatomie von Huf und Pferd an der Universität Lancashire


Conrad Beck, 57610 Altenkirchen, seit 1988 Pferdewirtschaftsmeister Fachrichtung Klassische Reitausbildung mit breitgefächertem Wissen.


Teilnehmerbeitrag:         wPM 15 €          wNicht-PM 25 €           wKinder bis 12 J./PM bis 18 J.* kostenlos


* gilt nur in Verbindung mit Lichtbildausweis und PM-Mitgliedsausweis (vorzuzeigen an der Tageskasse)




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So melden Sie sich an:


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-          Schriftlich mit dem unten stehenden Anmeldeformular und Zahlung per Lastschrift. Bitte senden an: Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (FN), Bereich Persönliche Mitglieder, 48229 Warendorf, oder Fax: 02581/6362100 oder E-Mail:


Nicht PM sind herzlich willkommen. Die Anmeldebestätigung sowie Ihre Eintrittsfähnchen und einen Ablaufplan erhalten Sie per Post. Anmeldungen können nicht storniert werden.


2 tage Riesenbeck mit Ric, Stefan und Maike

The Farrier Research Conference in Europas größter Pferdeklinik Rossdales & Partner, Newmarket England

Saturday March 5th 2016
Rossdales Equine Hospital, Newmarket

We have ten Associate farriers who will be speaking on a multitude of farriery topics ranging from:
• The effect of flexor tendon lesions on hoof shape
• Hoof wall thickness and its effect upon function to
• Frog pressure, the positive approach.
All the speakers have been students on the FWCF Communication Skills Course. Each will be presenting an abstract of their work and these abstracts will be available.Stromsholm have kindly sponsored this event.

Cotton End Road
Suffolk England
  (sponsored by StrÖmsholm).


Ten of the farriers who have attended the FWCF Farrier Skills and Communication Course over the last two years have agreed to present their work at this one-off conference. The farriers are listed below. Some of the subjects have already been published in Forge as articles but many are intended as FWCF theses.

Subjects to be presented include:
-Quantifying hoof wall thickness in equine feet
-The relevance of hoof wall ratio to foot function
-Treating seedy toe
-Identifying the location of peak pressure during the stance phase of the temporal stride in the front feet of the equine
-A study of six horses to assess if trimming of the hoof does not have an effect on break-over duration
-Frog pressure, the positive approach
-Methods to treat common ailments and foot conformation using frog support
-The effect of tendon lesions upon hoof shape.

The speakers are:
Mark Trussler, Stepen Hill, Simon Moore, Robert Shave, Sarah Logie, Jason Sommerville, Paul Horner, Fraser Youngson, Joe Rose; Steve Hewitt, Dan Harman, and Ed O’Shaughnessy.



Annual Conference 2016

Backs, Balance and Biomechanics

For Health Welfare and Performance




Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st February 2016

The Royal Agricultural University, Stroud Road, Cirencester. GL7 6JS

hier ein Bericht

The 2016 Horses inside Out 10 thAnniversary Conference was always going to be a very special occasion! After a year of planning and preparation, on 20thFebruary the event at last got underway.
Returning for the third time to the Royal Agricultural University; with over 250 delegates from Britain, Scandinavia Europe,Switzerland, The US, Egypt and Cyprus; 8 speakers and 18 presentation stands, all manned by knowledgeable experts in their fields; an anatomy display, and a scientific poster competition judged by Dr Renate Weller, the conference was certainly all set for success.
Gillian opened the conference, welcoming the gathering of equine therapists, vets,trainers, saddlers, farriers and horse owners with a quickcanter through the History of Horses inside Out and how Freddie Fox, the now retired eventer and star of the books,videos and TV has helped shape Horses Inside Out and put it on the map. Gillian’s first anatomical paintings are certainly very different from those of 2016! Having explained how understanding the concept of backs balance and biomechanics is one of the core values of Horses inside Out it was time to introduce the first speaker.
Dr Thilo Pau. Thilo’s area of expertise is how technology can be applied to locomotor biomechanics and how it can assist in quantifying movement anomalies in lameness which, he pointed out, is one of the top reasons for seeking veterinary advice. Traditionally lameness is identified by ‘eye’. Thisis made particularly difficult in the case of multiple or mimimal lameness. Although there are different techniques such as force plates or 3D optical systems have their limitations. Accuracy and precision of inertial data based systems arecontinually improving and developments in smart phone technology have led to the integrationof inertial sensors and improvements in the recognition of lameness.
Thilo was followed by Dr Renate Weller a leading vet, researcher and professor in comparative imaging. Renate was posing the question is it worth spending pounds on back imaging. Back problems in the horse are common but difficult to pinpoint. Although MRI imaging can be used for the limbs, by virtue of the size of a horse it is not possible to image the back. We therefore need to rely on a combination of imaging methods. X-rays and radiographs which are useful for detecting osteoarthritis of the facet joints or kissing spines
scintigraphy (used for bone scanning) , all have their place however, to truly identify the source of pain clinical examination coupled with diagnostic analgesia is still of paramount importance. During the talk Renate supplied everyone with a match and paper clip, to see which would snap the easiest and why? This gave an example as to how tendons/ligaments nap. The paper clip snapped through reoccurring actions while the match snapped with little force. The experiment highlighted that we should keep reoccurring actions/movements to a minimum when training our horses to prevent overloading that leads to injuries.
The next speaker was Dr Lars Roepstorff who examined hoof ground interaction.Performance and safety are the two most important aspects of all surfaces. The main functional properties of surfaces are impact firmness, cushioning, grip, uniformity and consistency over time. The subjective opinion of riders must also be taken into account when reporting on the effectiveness of a suface. In conclusion Lars concluded there is no recipe for the ‘best’ surface!
Following a delicious hot lunch in the colleges’ wood panelled traditional dining hall,
Dr Andrew Hemmings began the afternoon by sharing some of his extensive knowledge of
Behavioural Neuroscience related to breeding, selection and management. He explained that the current selection process of breeding large numbers of horses only to select the best for competition, results in too many unwanted horses. He went on to explain how genes are linked to temperament, the importance of dopamine and how eye blink rate can be an indicator of both dopamine release in the brain and as an indicator in suspect cases of cushing’s disease.
Renate’s second presentation considered whether the horse is the ultimate athlete or is a stupid design! Because the horse can both run fast to escape predators or move slowly to graze he has developed specialised anatomical features to reduce the use of energy. Evolution has resulted in long light limbs with no muscle below the knee but room for long tendons which allow long strides but are fragile. This means in engineering terms horses legs are constantly put under strain, are prone to musculoskeletal injuries and it is infact surprising many of them stay sound at all
ever popular Haydn Price gave us an incredible
insight into how the hoof
as a mobile structure will react to trim, conformat
ional deviations and
dynamic loading through skeletal structures. He wen
t on to explain how
different shoeing styles can also effect hoof devel
opment and in some cases
joint range of motion and followed this up by expla
ining how the effects on
the dymanic limb can effect the swing and stance ph
ase of the stride, the
point of ground contact, lever arm positioning, pel
vic drop and ultimately
saddle slip!
Thilo’s second presentation took an in depth look a
t a practical approach to assessing movement. In ad
dition to in hand
and ridden walk and trot work both in a straight li
ne and on different surfaces , flexion tests, nerve
blocking he
explained that availability of wireless sensors has
allowed an increase in the use of gait analysis –
very useful in the
context of assessing lameness. He clearly explained
the implications of measuring symmetry and movemen
t in the
context of gait adaption and performing on differen

The Farriers Foundation Winter BallSaturday 30th January 2016



...und hier meine Spende für die diesjährige Auktion


150 Lagen Damast Stabklinge Messingeinfassung mit Lederscheibe vor dem Griffstück aus dem Röhrbeinknochen eines Pferdes


ganz bei uns in der Nachbarschaft/Gemeinde


...und in diesem Jahr   

    sind wir wieder mit dabei .


mein Gast: Johannes Schmidt

              staatl. gepr. Hufschmied, 25 Jahre praktizierend im Oberwesterwald Kirchen/Betzdorf   

Life Demo


"Schauschmieden von Hufeisen"


"Pferdebeurteilung &  Beschlag"


   "Pflegetipps und Tricks"



außerdem haben  die "Ludolf's" sich angekündigt.

Horse Insideout "Gillian Higgins" im Myerscough College am Dienstag 27TH NOVEMBER 2014



we have organised at grear expence a day of biomechanical and anatomical education for degree farriery students to help them understand the link between shoeing and biomechanical function of the horse. This course with Gillian Higgins from Horses inside out is a must attend day and is exclusivley open to all degree students past and present.


we know your busy and its proberbly not your day to come in but why not make the extra effort IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!


WHY NOT BOOK IN AT GUYS THE NIGHT BEFORE we can celebrate christmas together and plot the downfall of the empire!!


Dont let me down and ring round every one on your course and make sure they know about it and are comming to



Gillian is professional Sports and Remedial Therapist, specialising in assessing and mobilising muscles, improving performance and educating horse owners. She is also an anatomist, biomechanist,  BHS Senior Coach, Stable Manager and Author.

With a bubbly, engaging presentation style, a passion for anatomy and biomechanics and with the welfare and comfort of the horse in mind, she gives lectures all over the world to anyone keen to ride or train sensitively. She has given demonstrations at the Global Dressage Forum in Holland, the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky, the World Arab, Horse Organisation in Qatar as well as at the Horse University in Brazil, the horse Expo in South Africa as well as many European countries.

Gillian has written several popular books and DVDs. There are more in the pipeline. She writes regularly for magazines including British Dressage, Horse and Rider, Eventing World Wide and Your horse Magazine.

Gillian has a First Class Honours Degree and Human and Equine Sports and Remedial Massage qualifications.

Bewegungsanalyse Erfassung von Schrittlängenunterschied vorher /nachher
Bewegungsanalyse Erfassung von Schrittlängenunterschied vorher /nachher
Hufeisenschmieden mit TGT Peter Kreinberg
Hufeisenschmieden mit TGT Peter Kreinberg
Reha Beschlag bei Sehnen/Bänderschaden
Reha Beschlag bei Sehnen/Bänderschaden
das Hochstellen erlaubt eine totale Entlastung von beiden Beugesehnen
das Hochstellen erlaubt eine totale Entlastung von beiden Beugesehnen
Halbes Herz Hufeisen bei physiologischer Dysfunktion des Hufmechanismus
Halbes Herz Hufeisen bei physiologischer Dysfunktion des Hufmechanismus
....bei degenerative Verletzungen wie z.B. Hornspalten
....bei degenerative Verletzungen wie z.B. Hornspalten
Împrint Klebeschuh- Vorführung bei Hufschmiede des EDHv.
Împrint Klebeschuh- Vorführung bei Hufschmiede des EDHv.
last finish.
last finish.
Sehnen und Bänder
Sehnen und Bänder
Akkupressur und Akupunktur
Akkupressur und Akupunktur
Hufbeinabsekung innerhalb der Kapsel
Hufbeinabsekung innerhalb der Kapsel
Caudal Huf,mediale und laterale Hufknorpel, dazwischen das Strahlpolster
Caudal Huf,mediale und laterale Hufknorpel, dazwischen das Strahlpolster
distal Limb unload
distal Limb unload
distal Limb load
distal Limb load
distal Limb under Full load
distal Limb under Full load
distal Limb befor Take Off (Abfußen)
distal Limb befor Take Off (Abfußen)
Farriery Science Symposium 2013
Farriery Science Symposium 2013
unter Kontrolle von Dr.C.Rohde
unter Kontrolle von Dr.C.Rohde
DOKR Warendorf; Hufeisen machen für ein Vielseitigkeitspferd
DOKR Warendorf; Hufeisen machen für ein Vielseitigkeitspferd
aus St:Georg 10/2013
aus St:Georg 10/2013